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Webinaire : Analyzing online job postings data to understand employment trends

Tableau de bord des tendances de l’emploi au Canada

Join us the launch of LMIC’s updated Online Job Trends Dashboard and hear from (acting) director of research Anthony Mantione and economist Graham Dobbs on how job postings data can help you support your clients with the necessary information and insights to succeed in a changing, dynamic world of work.

What participants will learn:

  • How to use the Canadian Job Trends Dashboard
  • How job postings data can help you assess employment trends (what and where the jobs are)
  • How job postings data can help you understand work and skill requirements for jobs (which are among the most sought-after LMI

Le webinaire d’une heure en anglais a été présenté le 25 avril 2022 par le CERIC.


  • Anthony Mantione (He/Him), (acting) Director of Research, Labour Market Information Council (LMIC)
  • Graham Dobbs (He/Him), Economist, Labour Market Information Council (LMIC)

Pour voir le webinaire, cliquez ici.
Regardez le Webinar #3: Analyzing online job postings data to understand employment trends


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