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GUELPH-WELLINGTON Employer’s Guide to Hiring and Retaining Newcomers and Immigrants

The County of Wellington and Immigrant Services Guelph Wellington have partnered to develop the Guelph-Wellington Employer’s Guide to Hiring and Retaining Newcomers and Immigrants. This comprehensive guide addresses key principles that employers can put into practice when hiring and retaining a newcomer workforce.

See also some earlier documents, Retaining International Talent: An Employer Checklist, and GWLIP’s Employer Toolkit page to view all pieces of Hiring Global Talent: It’s Just Good Business –A Toolkit for Employers in Guelph Wellington.

Executive Summary
The purpose of this toolkit is to offer key principles that employers can put into practice and operationalize when hiring and retaining a newcomer workforce. As Canada’s workforce shrinks and more employers begin facing skills shortages, immigration has been recognized as a vital source of labour and economic growth. Given the somewhat dynamics of hiring a newcomer workforce, many employers have refrained from tapping into this very important labour pool.
This toolkit presents five employment principles businesses and organizations can undertake while supporting the hiring and retention of an immigrant workforce. Seventeen employers and their
“plans of action” are highlighted in this report to provide practical steps Canadian employers can develop within their own organizations to better hire and retain newcomers. The five principles
developed are in fact based on the employment practices of employers and human resource professionals who have been successful hiring and retaining immigrants. These five principles are significant because they are tangible practices that employers can incorporate into their own human resource strategies. We have found, both through this study and in our experience working
in newcomer workforce development, that employers do not have to be experts in immigration policy to be successful hiring and retaining immigrants. In fact, the most successful employers were
found to be those who had “open minds” and who had created “newcomer friendly” workspaces to assist with employee growth and retention. Such positive approaches to newcomer employment
helped many employers to become “employers of choice” which had profound effects on their ability to recruit and retain immigrant employees. Understandably, those employers who had come
to be known as “employers of choice” had more success hiring newcomers and had less challenges in fulfilling their workforce needs.
We therefore hope this document will act as a reference not only for other employers in GuelphWellington, but also those outside the region. As businesses and industries increasingly compete
for talent and labour, employers must take practical steps to ensure newcomers are effectively included in their hiring process — a process this toolkit intends to establish.

Pour lire le guide, cliquez ici.

Source: The County of Wellington and Immigrant Services Guelph Wellington, juin 2019

Auteurs: SOHRAB RAHMATY, Immigrant Services Guelph-Wellington et TOM LUSIS, County of Wellington

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