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These industries have the highest retention rates for work permit holders who become permanent residents

The healthcare and social assistance sectors had the highest retention rates of temporary foreign workers (TFWs) who become permanent residents, according to a new report by Statistics Canada.

The study by Stats Can found that the retention rate—the percentage of TFWs who remained working in the same sector after having received permanent residency (PR)—varied dramatically across sectors.

Which industries had the highest retention rates?

The below table shows the percentage of TFWs who remained working in the same sector after receiving PR during the years 2011-2015, for the industries with the highest retention rates.

Industry Percentage of workers who remained in the industry one year after receiving PR Percentage of workers who remained in the industry five years after receiving PR
Healthcare and social assistance 81.4% 64.9%
Utilities 80.3% 58%
Finance and insurance 77.1% 55.2%
Public administration 72% 51.2%
Transportation and warehousing 70.4% 49%
Manufacturing 74% 48.9%
Construction 70% 47.3%

Pour lire l’article au complet, cliquez ici.

Source: CIC news, Janice Rodrigues, Novembre 2024.

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