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RDÉE Canada: Guide des procédures d’admission à la profession d’infirmière – d’infirmier au Canada

Consultez le Guide des procédures d’admission à la profession d’infirmière – d’infirmer au Canada, édition 2022.

Ce guide a été mis à jour par le RDÉE Canada.

Ce guide vise à mieux informer les employeurs et les infirmières et infirmiers francophones formés à l’étranger sur l’exercice de leur profession au Canada et sur les procédures d’admission en vigueur au sein des provinces et territoires. Il contient l’information la plus récente, récoltée auprès des organismes de réglementation des soins infirmiers du Canada (à l’exception du Québec) à l’été 2022.

Pour consulter le guide en page simple, cliquez ici.

Pour consulter le guide en page double, cliquez ici.

23 janvier 2023.

Autres ressources:

-Voici une Boîte à outils de l’employeur pour les professionnels de la santé formés à l’étranger (PFSF). Cliquez ici.

-Ce rapport (en anglais) explore les obstacles que rencontrent les professionnels de la santé formés à l’étranger (PFSF) dans leur cheminement vers l’obtention d’un permis d’exercice au Canada, ainsi que certains facteurs facilitants. La recherche est le résultat de visites d’intervenants individuels et organisationnels que N4 a menées en 2022 et fournit un aperçu des réalités quotidiennes des professionnels de première ligne et de l’expérience vécue à l’heure actuelle. “A Missing Part of Me:” A Pan-Canadian Report on the Licensure of Internationally Educated Health Professionals

– Article intéressant:

International Nurses Day: Canada’s provinces offering more incentives to immigrant nurses

Each year on May 12, Canada celebrates International Nurses Day, which commemorates the work that nurses do to ensure Canadians receive the best quality healthcare possible.

As Canada continues to feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the population continues to age, the country is still dealing with a demand for more nurses.

The latest job vacancy data shows that as of January 2023, there were 162,100 vacant positions in the healthcare and social assistance sector, the highest level on record. The federal government and provinces agree that immigration and fast-tracking credential recognition for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) is a core part of ending the labour shortage and filling these vacancies.

Nurses in high demand

The shortage of nurses was an issue in Canadian healthcare even before the pandemic. A 2022 report by the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) showed that many nurses were suffering from poor mental health and burnout. This led to mass resignations among healthcare professionals throughout the pandemic.

Following the release of Budget 2023 on March 28th, the CFNU cited a poll that said four out of 10 nurses are now considering leaving their job, mostly due to high workloads and poor staffing levels, while one in two younger, early-career nurses report symptoms of clinical burnout.

Provinces working to attract and retain nurses

Healthcare is a provincial responsibility. Provinces are working to attract more nurses from abroad and remove some of the barriers that IENs may face when they arrive in Canada. Namely, many nurses experience challenges getting the necessary accreditation to practice in Canada.

In recognition of this challenge, Canada’s provinces are making notable efforts to hire and retain more nurses. Here are just a few examples.


In February, Alberta announced it is investing more than $15 million to train and support more IENs. The funding includes $7.8 million for students to access up to $30,000 in bursaries. The remainder of the funds will create 600 new seats for nurse bridging programs in three Alberta universities.

Alberta has also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Philippines to streamline the process of recruiting Filipino registered nurses and licensed practical nurses.

Pour lire la suite de l’article de CIC News du 12 mai 2023, cliquez ici.

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