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Quality of Living City Ranking 2023

Five cities in Canada top the list for highest quality of living for expatriates.

Mercer’s Quality of Living data assesses the practicalities of daily life for expatriate employees and their families in assignment locations worldwide.

Following years of unprecedented and unpredictable times, the factors that influence the world’s economy have a direct impact on quality of living.

Many employees are reconsidering their priorities and assessing their work-life balances, in this the places in which they live and work and the quality of life they can have there with their families is of high importance.

Mercer’s quality of living data provides valuable information and hardship premium recommendations for most major cities throughout the world.

The cities in the world providing high quality of living for international employees.

Vienna, Austria tops the quality of living ranking for 2023. Known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant cultural scene, Vienna offers its residents a high standard of living in various aspects.

It is followed by Zurich, Switzerland and Auckland, New Zealand in second and third place, respectively. Places with lower quality of living include several African cities –N’Djamena (Chad), Bangui (Central African Republic) and Khartoum (Sudan), rank 236th, 239th and 241st, respectively. Locations from Middle East also ranked low including Sana’a (Republic of Yemen), at 238, where it’s ranking signals the need for continued attention to humanitarian efforts and reconstruction initiatives. Also, Baghdad (Iraq), ranked at 240, who is seeking to rebuild its infrastructure.

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Source: Mercer, décembre 2023

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